Saturday, September 30, 2006

i'm static, while da world around me moved on...

it's been a week since i left ma house compound.seriously..i'm either in ma room or outside entertaining maself wit a shuttle and a racquet projecting all ma fraustration to a piece of innocent wall.poor thing.da shuttle looked like crap after a continuous bashing and left me filled with joy knowing dat i'm in control of sumthing after a few hours of humiliation from da notes.the notes,they made me feel...noob..
oh yea....even the paddy is being harvest...and ma brain knowledge is still static...geesh~
a lil message fer this brain of wit me..and i will bring u glory..muahahahaha...
da last msg...meant's just fer comic effect where da lead character can talk to da brain...ok..i'm nuts,on a beautiful saturday morning...hmmmph...


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